“It was an amazing first-time experience. Would recommend if anyone could afford it to go. It made my heart and soul proud. I have so much more respect. I always admire our military and have family who have served.”

Tanya Bowser

“We have never missed a performance. Our family love the pageantry. Show has developed into a well-rounded presentation. Well done.”

Roger Angevine

“The Tattoo continues to explore new ways to entertain while maintaining old traditions that are crowd pleasers.”

“My two friends and I think the Tattoo was the best part of our Nova Scotia visit and that’s saying a lot because we loved our week touring the province.”

Beth Pye

“The Tattoo was always something I wanted to experience. It was so wonderful it moved me to tears several times.”

Jill Cruikshanks

“I love the Tattoo. It’s a great family opportunity and I like to share the experience.”

Wanda Ryan

“I am totally surprised by how many Nova Scotians have never been to the Tattoo. I firmly believe Canadians should see and appreciate our own country. I highly urge people I chat with to just go and see this amazing show. We also plan a tour of Nova Scotia usually after the Tattoo.”

Catherine Campbell

“An excellent entertainment: anything that can impress a modern 15-year-old must be doing something right!”

“Proud to be Canadian. Proud to be from Nova Scotia who houses such an amazing event.”

Carolyn Milbury
Nova Scotia

“My two friends and I think the Tattoo was the best part of our Nova Scotia visit and that’s saying a lot because we loved our week touring the province.”

Beth Pye

Photos by Stoo Metz, David Baillieul, Hamish Gordon & others.
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