What is the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo?


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The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo is global entertainment in beautiful Halifax.

Audiences from far and wide—and performers from every continent—have loved the Tattoo since its inception in 1979. In the decades since, our show has become the kick-off to summer: everyone knows they’ll find superior entertainment at the Tattoo.

We blend modern spectacle with historical medleys to show audiences where we’ve been, who we are today, and what’s coming in the future. There’s something for everyone at the Tattoo: marching bands, acrobats, dancers, military displays, pipes and drums, and much more!

The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo is fun for the whole family. Kids 18 and under are free!

What is a Tattoo?

The word Tattoo is derived from Dutch doe den tap toe (translated to turn off the taps). In 17thcentury Dutch villages when British soldiers were required back at their barracks, a drummer would march through the streets playing the drumbeat doe den tap toe. Over time, the phrase was shortened to tap toe, then anglicized to tattoo and became a word meaning a military musical show.

Our Mission

The Tattoo is a registered not-for-profit charity with the following mission: to honour Canada’s Armed Forces, RCMP, and other first responders and to celebrate the heritage of Canadians’ contributions to national and international peace and stability. 

Our Team

Meet the Tattoo Staff:

Scott Long
Scott Long
Managing Director/Executive Producer
Tom Peet
Tom Peet
Barbara MacLeod
Barbara MacLeod
Director of Finance
Leyna Faulkner
Leyna Faulkner
Marketing Manager
Jess Ilse
Jess Ilse
Creative Communications & PR Manager
Robb Hall
Robb Hall
Production Manager

Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo Society Board of Directors

Harvey Morrison
Harvey Morrison
Rebecca Hiltz LeBlanc
Rebecca Hiltz LeBlanc
Vice Chair
Yvonne Mosley
Yvonne Mosley
Paul MacKinnon
Paul MacKinnon
Devon Adams
Devon Adams
David Connolly
David Connolly
Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo Coat of Arms
Debbie Eisan
Craig Gibson
C/Supt (Ret’d) Craig Gibson
Jennie King
Jennie King
Roland Leyte
Roland Leyte
Deanne MacLeod
Deanne MacLeod
Barry Pitcher

Barry Pitcher
Peter Stoffer
Scott Long
Don Moser
Inspector Don Moser, AdeC, MA

We’re Just Scratching the Surface!

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more than


Seasonal Staff

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“The Tattoo has to be the one Canadian/Nova Scotia show to check off a bucket list. We liked it so much, that we’ve now made it an annual event for our family. As each year has a different theme, you never know what to expect. But one thing that never changes is the marching of the mass band. It’s just AWESOME!” – Zeke

Photos by Stoo Metz, David Baillieul, Hamish Gordon & others.
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